Solaire of Astora is an immensely popular character from the hit video game series, Dark Souls. Making appearances in both Dark Souls 1 and 3, the cheerful Knight has become a fan favorite due to his positive attitude, growth with the player, and one particular pose that has resonated with players and sparked a meme. Of course, we’re talking about the Praise The Sun gesture.

This silly looking yet meaningful pose is unlocked through Solaire, who often sports the gesture himself. Praising the sun is a sign of achievement and reaching light within the dimly lit and dark world of Dark Souls. To Solaire, it’s a way to reach towards what he idolizes, the Sun, in an effort to acquire his own sun. What his true purpose and journey are is up to player interpretation, but nevertheless, it doesn’t take away from this memes potential. Here are the 10 best praise the sun memes in no particular order.

Super Solaire Sunshine

Mario is perhaps the greatest and most recognizable video game character of all time, first appearing in Donkey Kong by Nintendo in 1981. Since then, he’s grown massively in terms of popularity, which makes the fact he’s paying homage to our man in chainmail so cool. Mario from Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch can be seen here striking Solaire’s famous gesture in front of a beautiful sunset. Of course, this pose can be achieved at the end of a jump trick with a successful landing. Mario is all about fun and light-hearted adventure, but we wonder how he’d fair in the world of Dark Souls. Not too long, most likely.

Uncle Solaire

With the pointing gesture pointed straight at the player, or reader in this instance, Solaire of Astora invites you… no, implores you to come and praise the sun. Of course, Solaire is as convincing as ever, making anyone who sees this poster want to strike the famous pose, no matter where they are. However, this poster seems awfully familiar… This poster is based on the famous propaganda posters back in the WW2 era depicting Uncle Sam pointing at whoever looks at the poster and imploring them to join the U.S. Army. While not much of a military man himself, Solaire is definitely one for a good battle, so maybe he would have fared well on the battlefields over in Europe. Then again, that’s neither here nor there. What is here is the humor, making this a great meme.

Got To Catch The Sun

Yet another video game crossover, with Solaire attempting to catch a Solrock, a Gen-3 Pokemon who happens to look quite a lot like the sun that Solaire himself is chasing after. Looks like no one told him about Pokeballs. Solrock, however, seems to have caught on and isn’t falling for the Bright Knight’s trap.

With Solrock radiating brilliant light and appearing very done with this situation and Solaire in his sneaky position behind a bush, this almost seems out of a Tom And Jerry cartoon. Although Solaire may not be so familiar with the cartoon slapstick Tom And Jerry are known for, more so the gooey and horrible slashing from his own games. But the biggest question within this meme remains to be… where did Solaire get donuts? The world may never know.

Grossly Incandescent

Perhaps one of Solaire’s most famous quotes, the Knight has often remarked on his infatuation with the Sun. Spanning from wanting to reach it or to be just like it. Such as the quote entails, he wants to burn as bright and brilliantly as the sun, and this meme finds a humorous method of him reaching this status. Sunny D.

Yes, Sunny D, the famous orange juice drink with a kick of vitamin C will bring Solaire to the land of celestial stars where he too can shine. Well, not really, but a knight can dream, can’t he? In any sense, Sunny D is very similar to Estus in appearance, so maybe Solaire thinks he’s getting a health boost out of this. If only life worked that way, we’d definitely make sure to always keep a jug or two on us should the proper occasion arise.

Sun Crush

Everyone has a crush. From a bright and nice age, boys and girls alike all feel a special little something in their chest when talking to that special someone. Whether that be because they’re cute, athletic, funny, or whatever you’re into, everyone finds someone a little bit above the rest. Even moons have crushes. Knights to be exact.

In this simple but hilarious meme, we see the moon crushing on our man, Solaire of Astora, who of course is too busy praising that sun to notice. However, that seems to be the point of drama within this meme because Solaire tells the moon to not worry about the sun… we’re not sure if we buy that. Poor moon, don’t worry. They’re plenty of celestial bodies in the cosmos.

Praisin’ Raisin

Raisins; who doesn’t love them? The tiny drops of golden brown perfection that taste good—depending on who you ask—and are good for you. Of course, everyone knows they are produced through the power of the sun, which automatically makes them Solaire’s favorite snack. Here we see the Bright Knight himself carrying two scoops of suns, with sunglasses showing they have attitude. With a play on words, Solaire is obviously repping the Raisin Gang of which he is no doubt a card-carrying member. Man, Solaire would probably love California now that we think about it. Sun, Raisins, and plenty of soulless beasts to slay.

Sun Lit Gains

Does he lift? Maybe—he does certainly have great strength. Does he praise the sun? You bet he does! Solaire may not regularly hit the gym, but he without a doubt gets in a healthy exercise every day with all the enemies and obstacles he has to deal with. One simply doesn’t put on chainmail and roll around like it’s nothing. That requires some real strength!

More in line with this hilarious meme, do you praise the sun, reader? If you don’t, consider this; our man Solaire goes through the terrible trials and tribulations he does each day to reach a form of contentedness and happiness which can only be found through the sun. He does this with cheer in his voice and a smile presumably on his face. He’s slashed, stabbed, bitten, and poisoned over and over again every day, and yet he finds the time in the day to praise that sun. What’s your excuse?


Now watch out, younger readers, because this meme implies some NSFW material. Actirasty is the arousal to the Sun’s rays, as the meme shows. Now, who in all of video games might this apply to? Well, we’d say probably the man we’ve been talking about for the entire article, our man Solaire of Astora. Now some might call Solaire’s appraisal of the sun purely religious or for personal growth. Some would disagree and might say that maybe he gets a little something extra out of those delicate rays. Now, of course, we’re not implying or attempting to fetishize the sun, because, for all intents and purposes, that seems like the wrong thing to fetishize. People? Sure. Stars? Nah. Well, who knows? Maybe Solaire disagrees and finds this meme factual as well as funny.

Summoning A Friend

Anyone who plays Dark Souls knows that, with its online capabilities, players can summon friends and different warriors from across the land to join them in a battle or two—a very nifty and fun feature. Guess who’s a fan favorite summon and the one that every Souls fan looks forward to? We’ll give you a hint, his name rhymes with Polaire of Rhastora. Of course, it’s our main man, Solaire!

Here we see a player summon Solaire and be whisked off to have some sun praising adventures with the Bright Knight. Now, it’s quite obvious that no Dark Souls adventure would be so jammed packed with spectacles and bright colors as this meme, but give the pair a break. They’ve been through a lot and could use some fun happy times.

Keep Calm

The famous catchphrase/meme “Keep Calm And Carry On” was used as a message put on to a British public safety poster way back in WW2. Since then, it’s become a popular meme, swapping out carry on with some other catchphrase from pop culture in order to infuse it with some sort of personal humor. Solaire is no exception in this and has his own variant.

Keep Calm and Praise The Sun is the phrase that the Bright Knight from Astora carries and continues to do so. An almost perfect way to sum up his character and motives, this would make a killer in-game t-shirt, or perhaps DLC. Who knows, maybe From Software will finally crack and give us that 4th Dark Souls in which we could get such an item. Hopefully, they’d include this as the item description—that would be very meta.