One of the first choices a Dark Souls 2 newcomer must make, is the decision of which starting class they would like to utilize. The game is notorious as one of the hardest entries in the Dark Souls franchise, and this initial decision can spell success or failure for a new player. In deciding which class to choose a player is essentially deciding which build they would like to develop during the game. This decision is the foundation on which a powerful Strength build, Dexterity build or a devastating Pyromancy build is evoked. So this decision is more than simply a cosmetic preference.

As players develop the character they wish to play as in the initial stages of the game, deciding on which class they prefer may be a difficult choice. The different stats associated with each class can be overwhelming for a new player unfamiliar with the game’s systems. Due to this unfamiliarity, an uneducated guess on which class to utilize can be demonstrative of a player’s experience with the rest of the game. This guide will ease the weight of making this decision by providing a general outline of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these classes.

Choosing the Warrior in Dark Souls 2

The first class up for discussion is the powerful Warrior class. This is not a bad choice for a beginner player as it represents what most people believe to be the “stereotypical” Dark Souls character.

The Warrior class is meant for players who prefer high damage dealing and slower character builds. The Warrior provides the framework for a player to build a powerful strength build that utilizes high weight but high damaging two-handed weapons. Given the Warrior’s solid starting strength stat players will be set on the right path to wield powerful strength weapons and equip defensively solid armor.

Be warned, however, that the Warrior’s builds to not cater well to highly mobile play styles. They serve as a solid starting point for up close and slow brawler style characters.

Choosing the Knight Class in Dark Souls 2

The second class is the well rounded Knight. Player’s who pick Knights will have a powerful character even at the start of the game. Possessing decent armor and a solid weapon with its initial build, the Knight is a perfect choice for players who prefer a well-rounded melee character.

Knight builds mirror a similar playstyle to that of Warrior builds. Utilizing the Knight’s high strength and dexterity to develop a high damage melee character. However, the Knight’s initial stats are so well rounded that a player can develop this character into whatever build they prefer. Compared to the Warrior the Knight is not limited to just a high damage strength build but can be molded into whatever character the player desires.

Keep in mind that the Knight’s strength does lie in melee combat, and developing a magic build is both difficult and costly.

Choosing the Swordsman in Dark Souls 2

Picking the Swordsman class is a choice made by highly skilled Souls players. Unlike the previously mentioned classes, Swordsman requires a firm grasp of the evasive maneuvers found throughout Dark Souls 2. Their weapons are low damage but high speed and require a mastery of spacing and positional advantage.

The Swordsman excels at dexterity weapons and has very average stats in everything else. This places the Swordsman in a rather niche situation, he is truly a one-trick pony. His extremely powerful mastery of dexterity allows Swordsman players to build extremely agile but low damage duel weapon characters. The Swordman’s prowess in dexterity allows him to dual wield two swords rather than one. This allows the character to dish out high damage in quick but short intervals.

Be wary of this playstyle as it prevents players from using shields and forces the Swordsman to master the art of dodging to supplement this weakness.

Choosing the Bandit in Dark Souls 2

The Bandit is another character whose strength is rooted in his dexterity skill. Unlike the Swordsman, the Bandit is meant to be played as a long-range bow style character, rather than an in your face melee character.

As mentioned, the Bandit does have excellent dexterity stats but it pales in comparison to the Swordsman. So if a Bandit player tries to build a character-focused on melee combat, it will certainly be overshadowed by the superior Swordsman class. The strength of the Bandit is rooted in his proficiency in Bow style weapons. This shapes the Bandit to be a rare long-ranged style character for players who prefer to pick apart enemies from a distance.

The weakness of this class is its mediocre melee potential. However, the Bandit can make a decent melee character just not an excellent one.

Choosing the Cleric in Dark Souls 2

Clerics within the Dark Souls series provide a very interesting playstyle. Their excellent stats in faith and strength make this class a magic-strength melee style character.

The Cleric is an odd character to describe. On one hand, it is equipped with enough faith skills to become a devastating magic user and can be played from a distance. On the other, the Cleric’s strength stats are solid enough to use a variety of the strongest weapons in the game. It shapes the Cleric to be optimally played as a mixture of these two styles. Using its faith skills to cast powerful healing spells and its strength to get close and brawl with the enemies of Dark Souls 2. 

Choosing the Sorceror in Dark Souls 2

Unlike the Cleric, the Sorceror utilizes its high intelligence and attunement stats to cast devastating spells from a distance.

The Sorceror, similar to the Bandit, excels at long-ranged combat using the powerful Soul Arrow to pick apart enemies from a distance. The Sorceror is rather weak at close combat and must develop high speed and agility to create space from his enemies to use his powerful arsenal of long-ranged attacks.

Choosing the Explorer in Dark Souls 2

The Explorer is the worst class in the game. He has no true skills in any department other than a decently average initial stat pool. He comes equipped with a wide variety of items in the early game, but in the long-run has no real potential.

The only minor plus side to picking this character is that you can develop the explorer to become a decent character by investing a large sum of souls into whichever stat you prefer. On the downside, you could pick whichever character that excels in the build you wish to develop. The Explorer is hilariously underpowered and it is a solid pick for players who want a struggle.

Choosing the Deprived in Dark Souls 2

The Deprived class has the lowest stats of the classes provided. This may lead players to believe it is the weakest of the selection. However, this assumption is wrong and can be explained through some analysis.

Unlike the other classes in the game, the Deprived is the only one to truly be level 1. With its stats all being 6, this allows players to develop a very particular character that they desire. Deprived players have the most control over their character’s progression and can develop any of the previously mentioned builds through some investment. The Deprived is a highly malleable class with high potential but a slow starting line.

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Dark Souls 2 is available on PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.