Dark Souls 2 is heralded as one of the most difficult titles within the Dark Souls franchise. Its brutal cast of enemies, high falling damage, and overall brutally punishing gameplay style makes it one of the most difficult game to progress in. That said, Dark Souls 2 is one of the fan-favorite games made by the talented members of From Software and rewards players for their vast game knowledge and skills. However, the reality of this entry in the series is, it is almost impossible for a new player to survive the frustrating landscape of Dark Souls 2. Unlike other From Software games, this particular game is brutally difficult and will frustrate even the most battle-hardened player.

As difficult as Dark Souls 2 can be, it is not an impossible game to beat. It has been proven time and time again that the game is indeed beatable no matter how daunting the title may seem. What makes the game so difficult, is the vast amount of mechanics and systems that a player is required to learn and memorize. Of course, you could simply power your way through the entry, but your success will be varied. This guide will provide some important tips in order to learn and master the vast amount of mechanics in Dark Souls 2 and will aid in a new player’s survival capabilities.

Picking a Class in Dark Souls 2

The first step in any Dark Souls game is deciding on which class you would like to start with. The Dark Souls series provides a wide breadth of classes and statistics that may seem overwhelming or impossible to decipher, so this first-class decision may be a stressful one given its implications over a player’s experience.

Each class allows a player a certain amount of beginner stats. The Cleric excels in magic oriented stats while the Bandit focuses more on strength weaponry. These different classes will serve as the building blocks for a player as they begin their journey through the horrifying world of Dark Souls 2 and choosing one can be a difficult task.

The best advice when deciding on a class, if you are unfamiliar with the series, is to choose the Knight class. Knight’s come with a pretty versatile stat pool, allowing a certain degree of freedom of choice when playing the game. Their strength stats allow a player to develop into a strength-build but the knight allows room for a dexterity build and just enough faith to develop a magic oriented character. The knight’s all-around solid stats paired with his strong armor and usable beginning weapon will set a new player on the path to success in the brutal world of Dark Souls 2. 

Being Aware of Stat’s Effects in Dark Souls 2

There is a huge amount of different stats within the Dark Souls series. The vast array of different stats can seem like gibberish to a new player, and truthfully, the different effects can be muddled through the complicated menu of the game. However, with some explanation and guidance, the effects of each stats will become intuitive and simple.

Each stat equates to an in-game mechanic. For example, the strength build increases a player’s equip load and increases damage on strength buff weapons. While the faith and intelligence stats impact a player’s ability to cast spells and pyromancy. Each skill has a direct impact on an ability in-game and learning which stats you wish to level up may be a difficult and complex process for an early player.

Keep in mind some of the lesser-known effects that leveling two seemingly different stats can have on character’s abilities. For example, if a player levels up their endurance and adaptability stats, the character’s “poise” will begin to increase. Poise is the in-game mechanic that allows a player to not “flinch” while being attacked. This allows for a rather “tanky” build that can dish out massive damage while taking some big hits. There is a varying amount of in-game implications to leveling up different stats together, such as poise or agility, and can affect a player’s success through the game. Learning which stats apply to a player’s desired style is crucial for success within Dark Souls 2.

Understanding the Hollow Mechanic of Dark Souls 2

A common occurrence withing the Dark Souls series is the famous, “you died” screen. No matter how skilled a player is, death is a reality within these games. However, it is important to know the implications of death within Dark Souls 2, as each death casts a brutal debuff on a player.

This debuff is the infamous “hollow” mechanic. Although present in Dark Souls, its incarnation in Dark Souls 2 is a more brutal and punishing example and should be understood before tackling the game. As a player dies in Dark Souls 2 they will demonstrate a visible “hollowing” that forces their character in a rotting corpse-like state. Not only does it create a rather ugly character model it has some pretty damning in-game results for a frequently killed player.

As you develop more and more hollowing, a player’s health pool will be drastically decreased upon each death. This can lead to an eventual decrease of over half of a player’s available health pool. The hollowing mechanic makes the unbearable difficulty of the Dark Souls series into an even more difficult reality. The more you die the more often you will die. So how does a player combat this mechanic?

The only true way to manage the hollowing mechanic is the implementation of a cautious and careful play style. Just try not to die that much and you will be fine. A more realistic piece of advice would be to stock up on human effigy items during the course of a game. These items will restore a player’s “humanity” and reverse the implications of the hollowing. Having a steady supply of these items can make the already brutal reality of Dark Souls 2 into a more manageable one.

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Dark Souls 2 is available on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC