The final entry in the Dark Souls series, Dark Souls 3 provides the perfect conclusion to the brutally difficult series. Providing some interesting connection to other entries in the series Dark Souls 3 builds upon the strengths of the critically acclaimed series. Introducing a wide variety of interesting enemy types while bringing back some of the series’s most iconic enemies. Dark Souls 3 challenges even the most seasoned veterans of the Souls series by providing players with a collection of difficult and frustrating bosses. Alongside adding onto the canon of the fan-favorite series. Dark Souls 3 is one of the best titles to be produced by From Software.

The third entry in the Souls series provides players with a wide variety of options in their upgrading of weapons. One of the most coveted upgrade items is the useful Titanite shards and their variations. Serving as one of the primary resources for upgrading weapons, Titanite is rare and difficult to farm. Given its necessity in upgrading both armor and weapons, it is a must-have for a hopeful Dark Souls 3 player to survive the brutal world they reside in. This guide will provide arguably the best route to farm the coveted item in Dark Souls 3. 

How to Farm Titanite in Dark Souls 3

This particular route requires that players have defeated the Abyss Watchers and The High Lord Wolnir boss fights. As the route revolves around the areas in which you fight these two bosses.

After defeating the mentioned boss fights begin the route at the arena in which you faced the Abyss watchers. Once there head down the stairwell into the Catacombs area and make a left. You will encounter a regular skeleton enemy, be sure to quickly defeat this enemy. Then head towards the large bridge found past this skeleton.

This farming route is rooted in the particular enemy found on this bridge. For the sake of brevity, these enemies will be referred to as the “hooded skeleton” enemies. Upon first glance, these enemies are large and intimidating. Standing feet above a given player and possessing large and powerful weapons these may seem like the last enemies that a player would be farming. However, these enemies are all bark and no bite, being relatively easy to defeat and have a high chance of dropping Titanite shards or even large Titanite shards. When fighting these enemies it is essential that you block or force them to whiff their first attack, this will allow you to land a heavy strike which forces these skeletons to fall apart. Once fallen apart all that’s left is to clean up your mess and defeat the enemy.

Be sure to defeat this hooded skeleton on the bridge and receive any drops it may provide. Head across the bridge until you enter a large room. You will run into a large number of regular skeleton enemies whether you kill them is up to the player. They provide very little in the way of Souls and rewards so they are not necessarily worth the effort. So avoid these standard enemies and you will encounter two more hooded skeletons. Defeat them and claim your drop.

After clearing the mentioned room of hooded skeletons head up the stairs in the room and make your way towards a ladder. Be sure to climb down the ladder and not jump, to avoid any fall damage. After descending the ladder continue through the provided path and you will encounter another hooded skeleton. Defeat him and claim any drops.

As you progress through the provided path you will encounter another large room that houses two hooded skeletons. Defeat them and you will come face to face with a large set of stairs. Sprint down the stairs and head to the left side of the doorway. A large skeleton filled wrecking ball will chase you and if allowed to hit, could potentially one-hit kill the player. Wait until the ball ascends back up the stairs, then continue.

After avoiding the Skelton ball take a left and proceed down the provided hallway. You will find another hooded skeleton towards the end of the hall. After defeating the one hooded skeleton take a right and you will find two more hooded skeletons. Make use of the arrow trap to defeat these enemies without them even taking notice of your presence. Claim your rewards and continue the route.

Continue down the provided corridor and you will find a large room filled with rats. Be sure to defeat all the rats in the room and then head up the stairs in the room. As you climb the stairs you will encounter three hooded skeletons in this room. Be sure to tackle one at a time in order to not be overwhelmed by their numbers. Lure one down to the rat room in order to quickly defeat him then repeat the process until you have killed all of the hooded skeletons.

After clearing out this room head to the arena in which you faced Wolnir. On the way, you will fight one more hooded skeleton quickly defeat him then head over the rope bridge. If you are so inclined destroy the bridge as you cross it in order to kill the large group of standard skeletons that chase you. However, even though they are large in numbers, they provide very little in the way of souls. So it is not mandatory but is a halfway decent reward for your troubles.

Be sure to head to the bonfire within the arena you defeated Wolnir and then repeat the route until you have accumulated your desired amount of Titanite. It may be difficult at first given the strength of the hooded skeletons but after enough time spent running the route and it will become trivial. It averages about 12 pieces of Titanite shards per run, which is a sizeable amount for the rare item.

More: Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City DLC: Final Boss Guide (Slave Knight Gael)

Dark Souls 3 is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC