Will cult animated series Danny Phantom ever receive a reboot? Danny Phantom was created by Butch Hartman (The Fairly OddParents) for Nickelodeon in the early 2000s. The series followed a teenager named Danny Fenton, whose parents act as ghost hunters. Danny is soon involved in an accident whilst investigating a Ghost Portal belonging to his parents, which turns him into a half-human, half-ghost hybrid. He soon learns to use his newfound powers to fight ghosts that threaten his town, with some help from his friends and sister.

A combination of a fun premise, smart writing, and great animation made Danny Phantom a cult favorite, but sadly the series came to an abrupt end when it was canceled during its third season. The fanbase surrounding the show has only grown since it ended, but while they’ve been holding out hope for some kind of Danny Phantom reboot, it has yet to happen.

That said, there have been rumblings in recent years suggesting a Danny Phantom reboot could be in the works, so here’s what we know so far.

Danny Phantom Returned In Short The Fairly Odd Phantom

Danny Phantom creator Butch Hartman got fans excited in 2016 when he created artwork on his YouTube channel that showed the main characters 10 years on from the end of the show, and another video pitch dubbed Danny Phantom: The College Years. A fan created social media campaign dubbed #GoGhostAgain was created around this time petitioning Nickelodeon for a brand new series.

This renewed interest in a Danny Phantom reboot led to the creation of short The Fairly Odd Phantom. This three-minute animation is a crossover between Hartman creations Danny Phantom, The Fairly OddParents, T.U.F.F. Puppy and Bunsen Is A Beast. The short was very well received but there’s no concrete sign of the show receiving a reboot just yet.

A Live-Action Danny Phantom Script Exists

Butch Hartman confirmed in 2018 a script for a live-action Danny Phantom reboot exists and has been submitted to Nickelodeon. No potential cast or story details for the film have been revealed, however, and Hartman seems to think a new animated series is the way to go for the franchise.

Hartman has since departed from Nickelodeon, who own the rights to Danny Phantom, so it’s unknown if the network is still moving ahead with a live-action movie. Hartman is also working on a series called ImagiNathan, which he feels is a successor in tone to Danny Phantom. While fans remain ready and willing for a Danny Phantom reboot, there doesn’t currently appear to be plans to bring the show back.

Next: Best Episodes Of Danny Phantom