Kim Possible and Danny Phantom consist of memorable characters that audiences love, and both shows are major nostalgia touchstones for audiences that grew up in the early 2000s. If ever there is a revival of either show, audiences would surely love to see characters from both shows meet and witness the dynamics among them.

Bonnie and Paulina would certainly hit it off as the popular girls and bullies at their high school, but Jazz and Kim would probably get a little too competitive with one another to ever really be friends. Ron and Danny would likely be found hanging out playing videogames or eating at the Nasty Burger or Bueno Nacho, and it’d be interesting to see Vlad and Dr. Drakken clash as villains given their very different styles when it comes to executing evil plans.

5 Friendships That Would Work

Bonnie & Paulina

Both ladies are obsessed with popularity, being the best, and asserting their superiority over anyone that they deem to be beneath them. Paulina hasn’t hesitated in using Danny or his friends for ulterior motives, and Bonnie never passes an opportunity to upstage Kim. They are not above using people or pulling dirty tricks to get what they want, and definitely enjoy attention. It’s easy for audiences to see Bonnie and Paulina as best friends in the popular crowd, spending their days hanging out at the mall, making fun of their peers and owning their mean girls vibe.

Sam & Shego

While Sam probably wouldn’t participate in committing crime alongside Shego, she would appreciate Shego’s sarcasm and wittiness. Shego often provides her wit and sarcastic comments to Dr. Drakken, and of course, Kim Possible. Not only would they make good friends given their tendencies for sarcasm, they would also appreciate one another’s fighting skills, and Shego probably wouldn’t mind getting her hands on some of the ghost-fighting gear Sam uses. They would probably also trade wardrobes every so often given their similar styles, and would definitely have fun shopping and discussing the likes of Danny, Tucker and Dr. Drakken.

Dr. Drakken & Technus

Dr. Drakken is a favorite villain among Kim Possible fans, and Technus is also a beloved villain in Danny Phantom. These two have many similarities; the two are both geniuses, but have a tendency to lose to their arch-enemies, those being Kim Possible and Danny Phantom respectively. Both of them also are known to tell anyone about their evil plans before they’ve actually gone through with them, which usually leads to them being defeated.

These two together would make a great pair, and the two could excitedly discuss their evil plans together to get it out of their systems before facing their foes and even combine their abilities to really conquer the world, and all its electronics for Technus, of course.

Danny & Ron

Ron and Danny would have a great time hanging out together! The two guys have a lot in common, from hanging out at places like the Nasty Burger and Bueno Nacho to both falling for their best friends. Ron could even tagalong as Danny’s sidekick from time to time if he wanted. Both guys are also into videogames (even sacrificing tests and homework to do so), and could certainly bond discovering and beating videogames together. In any case, we’d love to see these two hanging out at the arcade or at a beloved teenage hangout like Bueno Nacho!

Tucker & Wade

Wade and Tucker are both incredibly gifted when it comes to technology, and both certainly love their gadgets. Tucker is almost never seen without his PDA and is visibly devastated whenever he loses them. Wade, meanwhile, hardly ever leaves his room where his computer center is set up. Both have hacked into systems on behalf of their friends, and their skills have definitely come in handy more than once. Tucker and Wade would be best friends given their mutual love for technology, and they could swap stories regarding all the times they used their mad skills to help their friends, as well as participate in a few capers of their own together helping their friends or otherwise good-naturedly challenging one another when it comes to technology.

5 Friendships That Wouldn’t Work

Valerie & Monique

Monique certainly wouldn’t care for Valerie’s shallow tendencies prior to her losing her money. While Monique might potentially befriend Valerie after she lost her money and was subsequently rejected by the popular group, Monique wouldn’t necessarily support Valerie’s vendetta against Danny Phantom. Like Monique does with Kim, she’d call Valerie out on her actions and Valerie’s desire for revenge is too great for Valerie to listen or appreciate Monique’s attempts to help. These two would ultimately clash, and are better off without a friendship between them.

Johnny 13 & Shego

Johnny 13, much like Motor Ed on Kim Possible, often flirts with women and loves his bike, much like Ed loves any kind of machinery. Shego can hardly stand Motor Ed, so the same can be said for her feelings towards Johnny 13 if they were to ever meet. Plus, Kitty would be insanely jealous if Johnny ever showed an inkling of interest in Shego, which he probably would given Shego is as awesome as she is. Shego would be less than impressed by Johnny, his shadow, and their bad luck, and would go out of her way to avoid him, lest he flirt with her or his bad luck foil any evil plans she may be working on.

James & Jack

James Possible and Jack Fenton are as opposite as they come. James is a brilliant rocket scientist; while he has his moments of distraction, he is gifted at what he does. Jack, on the other hand, gets bored easily at anything scientific, and usually leaves his wife Maddie to do all the work, and he excitedly tests the new ghost hunting equipment, often before it’s ready.

The two would have trouble relating on that front; plus, their parenting styles are very different. Jack tends to be oblivious, especially given he never notices his son is a half ghost despite all the equipment telling him the obvious, and James tries to be more attentive than not. If anything, the two would probably end up annoying one another.

Jazz & Kim

While the girls could certainly relate when it comes to being embarrassed by their parents, they would ultimately clash given their competitive natures. They are both incredibly smart and kind, but they have a competitive streak that would get the best of them, and they’d likely end up trying to outdo one another.

Jazz was devastated in a memorable episode of Danny Phantom when she discovered she’d been wrong about something, and Kim’s competitive nature is apparent whenever she is in the same room as Shego or Bonnie. While the potential could be there for a friendship, Jazz and Kim probably are better off as acquaintances than friends.

Vlad & Dr. Drakken

Vlad and Dr. Drakken are both very smart guys and have definitely made a name for themselves in the villain world. However, their different villain styles would probably cause the two to clash and plot on each other more often than not. Vlad would have no patience for Dr. Drakken’s tendency to blather on about his plans, and Drakken would probably cower in fear at Vlad’s heated temper, which Vlad tends to reveal from time to time. Unfortunately their differences aren’t a promising friendship, but in another life the two may have benefitted from one another’s resources and their evil plans.