Update: Apple said it had examined Mr Mouritzen’s Apple Watch and found no evidence it had caused his reported injuries. Additionally, the company noted that the damage to the Apple Watch band is external and there are no active electronics in the band that could have caused the band to heat up.

Danish news site Ekstra Bladet reports that a man received severe burns from his Apple Watch, and has been waiting for several weeks for the results of an Apple investigation. Photos accompanying the report (below, not for weak stomaches) seem to show two long burn marks on the wrist of Jørgen Mouritzen, together with what appear to be burn marks on the strap.

Mouritzen and a witness to the event say that they are both certain the heat came from the Watch itself and not from any external source … 

Apple’s PR agency in Denmark told Ekstra Bladet that it considers it a private matter with the individual concerned and would not therefore be commenting.

There have been sporadic earlier reports of burns from the Apple Watch, but these appear to have been much more minor – and are in many cases difficult to distinguish from simple skin irritation.

Apple has a support page in which it cautions that “a small number of people will experience reactions to certain materials.” It also advises that wearing the watch too tightly or loosely can cause rubbing. We’ve also reached out to Apple for a comment.