In the world of Game of Thrones, House Stark is one of the most powerful and unique families in Westeros. Every one of the Starks has something different to offer to their family and to the world at large, and although it hasn’t always been easy, their pack has ultimately survived. And for better or worse, their individual strengths and weaknesses has often been their ultimate saving or their final downfall.

So, the surviving Starks have squared off against dragons and come out the victors, but if the Stark family were transported into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, which character class would all of them fall into? These are every one of the Starks, as well as their D&D character class.

Lyanna Stark - Rogue

By all accounts, Lyanna Stark was a quite formidable girl despite only being a teenager at the time of her death. Robert Baratheon’s obsession with her lasted for decades after her death, and he seemed to be committed to the story that Lyanna had been unwillingly taken by Rhaegar as his prisoner.

That lie became the story of history itself, but the truth of the situation was that Lyanna left with Rhaegar to become his wife, despite being betrothed to Robert at the time. For this reason, Lyanna falls into the Rogue class of character, a character who uses deception and sneakiness to get what they want.

Benjen Stark - Druid

It’s hard to say what exactly Benjen Stark became after he was lost beyond the Wall, but it’s safe to say that he wasn’t anything human anymore. He almost succumbed to the white walkers and presumably would have become a wight, but the Children of the Forest saved him and allowed him to continue something resembling a human life.

And if what he’s done for Bran and Jon is any indication, he has been doing what he could to protect humankind from the threat of the white walkers ever since. So this old nature magic that seems to be keeping him alive makes Benjen a Druid class of character.

Rickon Stark - Barbarian

Had Rickon Stark ever made it past the Wall no one would have mistaken him for anything other than a wildling, and he took to the life of a wild child like a duck to water.

And sadly, he may have had a better outcome had he just leaned into that kind of life, because it was trusting the Umbers that appeared to be his ultimate downfall.

But if his upbringing (as well as the uncontrolled, aggressive disposition of Shaggydog) was anything to go by, then Rickon was meant to fall into the Barbarian category, a fighter who just lets his anger and impulse fuel his strength.

Ned Stark - Monk

In traditional Dungeons & Dragons, a traditional Monk is devoted to religion. But Ned Stark is the kind of Monk who’s life is guided by certain ideas, namely to honor and devotion to his family.

The entirety of Westeros knows that no man was more honorable than Ned Stark, but even he was willing to sacrifice his own honor for the sake of his family, and he never once wavered in that. Ned kept the secret of Jon’s parentage for his entire life, a secret that could have gotten him killed, and clearly nothing ever mattered more to him than his honor and love for his children.

Catelyn Stark - Cleric

Catelyn Stark was Robb Stark’s most valued adviser once Robb became king, and honestly if Robb had listened to his mother then he likely wouldn’t have died at the Red Wedding.

Cat was a more capable and intelligent leader than Robb, but she was more than willing to relegate herself to his counsel so long as it kept her family alive. So in a sense, Cat seems like she would fall into the Cleric category of character. A Cleric is a priestly character who uses their power and wisdom to further their own cause.

Bran Stark - Wizard

Although Tyrion made quite a to do about Bran having the best story of anyone in Westeros, ergo he is most worthy of the crown, the real reason that Bran seems suited to being king is that no one in Westeros knows more about it’s history and it’s mystical power than he does.

And Bran went on quite the sojourn to discover all that Westeros truly had to offer. The extensive secret knowledge that he learned through the three-eyed raven and his exceptional warging powers make him a Wizard, a magical class character who has gained their abilities through learning.

Sansa Stark - Bard

In a very strange and roundabout way, Sansa Stark seems to be a Bard class of character. The Bards are known as masters of word, art, and music, and they typically wage their wars through those avenues instead of traditional fighting.

And Sansa was a girl who always let herself get swept away in fantasy stories and things of beauty. But, she also had to survive in King’s Landing for a very long time, and she mostly managed to do that by always telling people what they wanted or needed to hear, and by convincing them that she was a fanciful girl who was no real threat at all.

Robb Stark - Paladin

Robb Stark’s war was not something that he himself sought out, but in order to get justice for his father and to save his sisters he was willing to take up his sword and conquer the entirety of Westeros if need be.

The Paladin class of character is a warrior who is bound by a divine oath, and that is something that truly defined Robb Stark’s character throughout his arc on Game of Thrones. Robb answered the call of duty when he had to, and he was willing to go all the way in order to see it through.

Jon Snow - Ranger

As Ned Stark himself said, Jon may not be a Stark in name, but he is a Stark by blood. And that strong warrior’s blood is clearly pretty strong in Jon.

Jon was always a tough and skilled fighter, and he was more than eager to cut his teeth on the edge of the world by joining the Night’s Watch and protecting the realm from the threats beyond the Wall. And Jon may have been chosen to be a steward for the Night’s Watch instead of a ranger, but when it comes to D&D classes, Jon couldn’t be anything other than a Ranger.

Arya Stark - Fighter

Everyone always knew that it was going to take one heck of a fighter to take down the Night King, and it should be no real surprise that this fighter wound up being Arya Stark.

Arya was always strong and she always knew that she was going to go off the beaten path, but no one could have expected that she would become one of the most dangerous people alive.

But she learned everything she could about the art of killing and hand to hand combat, which is why Arya is a Fighter class of character, a class with a natural gift for fighting that is fine tuned by endless martial arts education.