In the world of Game of Thrones, the Lannister family reached the highest highs and lowest lows that any Great House could possibly achieve. It’s patriarch Tywin made House Lannister into the most powerful Great House in all of Westeros, and his children and grandchildren managed to bring that house to literal and figurative ruin within a few short years. But it’s hard to deny that, for better or worse, nearly every member of House Lannister was totally extraordinary.

So, if the characters in House Lannister found themselves transported from the world of Game of Thrones dragons to the world of Dungeons & Dragons, where would they each find their place? Or more specifically, which character class would they all fall into? These are all of the Lannisters, as well as their D&D character class.

Kevan Lannister - Paladin

The patriarch of the previous generation of the Lannister family may have been one of the most uninspiring leaders in the history of this leonine house, but his children certainly seem to have learned from his mistakes.

Tywin managed to take the Lannister name back from the brink of destruction, and his younger brother Kevan really followed in Tywin’s footsteps. Kevan had a great respect for Tywin and was nearly as diligent and devoted to his family as his elder brother was. In that sense, Kevan is a Paladin class character, a character who is devoted to his cause completely and will fight to the bitter end for it.

Myrcella Baratheon - Ranger

Unfortunately for Myrcella Baratheon, she wound up being a victim of circumstance more than anything, and she didn’t have a lot of personal choice and freedom in her short life.

In the world of Westeros it’s understandable why she was used more as a tool for creating alliances than anything else, but she clearly didn’t expect to be sent to the other side of the country in order to secure the support of House Martell for the crown. It seems she really grew into herself in Dorne though, because she felt quite passionately about her betrothed and the alliance that her betrothal provided. For that reason she is a Ranger, a character who fights their battles alone on the edge of the world.

Lancel Lannister - Monk

Although Lancel Lannister began his journey on Game of Thrones as nothing more than a boy toy for Cersei Lannister, clearly his devotion to the Faith of the Seven became his defining characteristic as he grew. And obviously since his brotherhood and devotion to his religious cause became his sole focus in life, Lancel has to fall into the Monk class of Dungeons & Dragons character.

And he is a D&D Monk in the truest sense of the word, he is a sincere religious fanatic but he will also physically and violently defend the Faith of the Seven in order to further the cause.

Tommen Baratheon - Cleric

Unfortunately for the Lannister family and for Westeros in general, at his heart Tommen Baratheon was just a kind boy who was very easily influenced by those around him.

Tywin saw that and tried to use it to his advantage, but the High Sparrow saw this too and ultimately did more to alter the state of the crown in Westeros than anyone else had in ages. Tommen seemed to see the value in the Faith of the Seven and even in the Faith Militant, and he tried to reconcile that with the government of the land, which makes him fall into the Cleric category of character.

Joffrey Baratheon - Barbarian

It’s quite ironic, because despite the fact that Joffrey Baratheon was cowardly, craven, and physically inept, it’s hard to put him into any character class besides the Barbarian. Barbarians are physically violent fighters who use their rage and cruelty to fuel their physicality in lieu of actual fighting training, and they really perpetuate violence just for the sake of violence.

Joffrey may not be strong, but he certainly lets his basest instincts guide his behavior and delights in being cruel to others for fun, so he is truly a representation of what would happen if a Barbarian character was given nearly limitless power.

Tywin Lannister - Wizard

So Tywin Lannister obviously doesn’t practice magic in a literal sense, but honestly his ability to take his crumbling house back from the brink of destruction and turn it into the wealthiest and most powerful house in Westeros does seem downright magical.

The Wizard class of character in Dungeons & Dragons is a skilled magician who develops their skill through learning and intellect, and it’s clear that Tywin’s greatest strength as a leader is his ability to learn from every mistake that he, his father, or anyone else around him has made. The entirety of House Lannister’s power truly rested in Tywin’s hands.

Cersei Lannister - Rogue

Cersei Lannister was certainly a cunning woman who could occasionally outwit her adversaries, but her true strength in acquiring power lied in her ability to deceive, manipulate, and quite frankly in her ability to do things so awful that any normal person wouldn’t ever consider it.

So Cersei couldn’t be anything other than a Rogue. Rogue characters are clever fighters who don’t excel at straight up confrontations. Instead, they use trickery and deception to get what they want, and they are typically willing to cross almost any line in order to achieve their own ends, which truly describes Cersei Lannister down to the letter.

Jaime Lannister - Fighter

It says a lot about Jaime Lannister that he was still one of the most formidable fighters in Westeros after losing his hand. And while he was clearly blessed with a lot of natural gifts for fighting, what distinguishes him from most others is that he absolutely never stopped learning how to make himself better. Even when faced with an obstacle that would cause most fighters to throw down their swords, Jaime simply began learning how to fight with one hand.

So Jaime is truly a quintessential Fighter class of character, someone who is skilled in combat but who also tries to develop every skill they can find in order to improve their abilities.

Tyrion Lannister - Bard

It was pretty clear from birth that Tyrion Lannister was never going to become the warrior that his brother Jaime was meant to be. And like any true Lannister, Tyrion realized his own limitations and decided to improve his lot in life in the best way that he could.

Tyrion may not have had the body of a High Lord, but he certainly had the mind of one, and his devotion to books and reading made him one of the cleverest and most sharp-tongued man in all of Westeros. And that way with words makes Tyrion a true Bard, someone who can charm the world with their words.