The world of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a unique blend of the mortal world and the magical one, and the titular character of Sabrina Spellman is in the unusual position of existing within both worlds as a half mortal and half witch teenager. Because of Sabrina’s position between these two worlds, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’s cast of characters run the gamut from ordinary humans to super powerful wielders of magic, and regardless of whether or not they’re mortal or magical they often find themselves in positions of danger, fighting magical creatures.

So in that sense, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is quite similar to the world of Dungeons & Dragons. So, if the characters in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina actually found themselves in the world of D&D, who would they be? Or more specifically, which character class would they fall into?

Lilith - Warlock

The thing that namely defines a Warlock and separates them from the other magic wielding character types in Dungeons & Dragons is that they gain their power through some kind of devil’s bargain, and since that is the literal definition of Lilith, she really has to be in the Warlock class.

Lilith began her journey on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as an evil and threatening character who wanted nothing more than to do Satan’s bidding, but once she realized that the devil had no grand plans for her she decided to flip the script and beat Satan at his own game instead.

Prudence Blackwell - Sorcerer

For one of the younger characters on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Prudence Blackwood (or perhaps she prefers to go by Night again) is one of the most educated and experienced witches. However, there is no denying that the majority of her powers and abilities currently come from her bloodline.

As the daughter of Faustus Blackwood, Prudence should have been the next in line for the throne at the Church of Night, but her own father abandoned her and lied about her origin for her entire life. However, now it seems like Prudence is doing her part to improve the state of the Blackwood family.

Theo Putnam - Cleric

Theo Putnam is a character that seems like they’re lost and adrift at certain points, but the reality is that he has always seen his true North even if he didn’t initially know what it was.

The Cleric class of character is a priestly figure who is strong enough to face off against the supernatural characters of D&D without having any supernatural powers themselves. Clerics are no strangers to suffering, but they use their inner strength and understanding of the divine to become warriors for everything that is good and righteous in the world, which sounds just right for Theo.

Roz Walker - Druid

Roz Walker may not be a witch, but she has abilities that are completely unusual and inhuman. Her family is gifted with something called “cunning”, a sort of mystical vision that terrifyingly only manifests itself when the women in her family begin to go blind.

She may have lost her sight, but her true sight only began once her blindness set in. Roz has some kind of supernatural connection to the world, and the visions that she has of bad omens and ghostly figures seem to be designed for good rather than evil. This connection to the supernatural side of nature sounds just like a Druid.

Harvey Kinkle - Paladin

Harvey began his journey on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as Sabrina’s unfailingly kind but completely clueless boyfriend. However, once he was clued in to the scarier, more supernatural sides of the world, he didn’t run.

In fact, he was enough of a ride or die friend that he was willing to do whatever it took to help them, even if he was an ordinary boy facing off against incredibly powerful forces. This is why Harvey seems like a Paladin class of character, the Paladins of the world are holy warriors who will fight to the end for what they believe in.

Nick Scratch - Bard

Nick Scratch is a very gifted warlock who could easily slip into pretty much any one of the magical classes of characters. However, the fact that Satan used him and his charms as a way of winning over Sabrina is no coincidence.

Every witch is gifted with magical powers, but Nick is gifted with charm, and clearly that gift has been invaluable to him. So that’s why Nick seems like a Bard most of all. The Bards are capable of charming pretty much everyone with their words, and while they are strong characters in their own right, their power of persuasion trumps all.

Ambrose Spellman - Bard

Much like Nick, Ambrose is a gifted warlock but that doesn’t seem to be his strongest suit. As a prisoner of the Spellman Mortuary for decades, Ambrose’s magical abilities became nearly useless.

However, his passion for arts and his brimming creativity seems to be something that has fueled his character for a very long time. Ambrose is a published poet and a talented painter, which makes him sound very much like a Bard. Bards are particularly skilled with their artistry, and they have a tendency to win over everyone through that more than anything else.

Zelda Spellman - Wizard

As the leader of the legendary Spellman family, Zelda Spellman is one powerful and experienced witch. She was undeniably born brimming with power, but in the world of witches and warlocks it’s really Zelda’s knowledge of witchcraft that sets her apart from the crowd now.

She is in fact so knowledgeable and so skilled that she was named the first High Priestess of the Church of Night. Like most Spellmans, her cleverness and ingenuity has made her a living legend in the magical world, and that is in large part why she belongs in the Wizard class of D&D character.

Hilda Spellman - Wizard

There are three different magic wielding classes in the Dungeons & Dragons character classes, and the Wizard class is the character type that stands out because their magical abilities are most enhanced by their knowledge of magic.

So, much like Zelda, Hilda Spellman belongs in this magical category most of all. As one of the older witch characters in the series, Hilda’s experience and education has actually managed to surpass her natural born Spellman abilities, and her extensive knowledge of magic has made her into one of the leaders of the magic community, despite the fact that so many people unfairly malign her.

Sabrina Spellman - Warlock

Despite all of Sabrina’s desperate attempts to avoid this fact, Sabrina’s very existence was only possible due to Satan. So then, while it may not be fair, it’s pretty unavoidable that Sabrina must fall into the Warlock class of Dungeons & Dragons characters.

Sabrina’s power was always unique in the magical world, and everyone around her couldn’t understand why. And it didn’t make sense until it was revealed that her biological father was the Dark Lord himself. Edward and Diana Spellman got Sabrina through a deal with the devil, and they sealed her fate as a Warlock because of it.