The Twilight saga at its core is a story about love and the terrifying, sometimes dangerous, things that people will do for it. The romance between Bella and Edward is obviously the centerpiece of the entire tale, but their love story is only the center of an enormous web of characters who care deeply for one another and are willing to do literally whatever it takes to protect each other.

When it comes to stories about vampires, werewolves, and the humans that find themselves entangled with them, it’s safe to say that standard human morality kind of goes out the window. Twilight is a softer and more family friendly story than your average vampire narrative, but it is still about vampires. All of the characters have had their moral fiber tested many times over, and some of them have done wonderful and terrible things no one would have thought them to be capable of. So here are all of the Twilight characters, along with their Dungeons & Dragons character alignments.

Charlie Swan - Lawful Good

Of course Charlie Swan is a lawful good character in the Dungeons & Dragons character alignment chart, literally what else could he be? As the sheriff of the small Washington town of Forks, Charlie Swan is quite literally the law, and weirdly the only representation of law enforcement in the entire Twilight franchise (because really, how plausible is it that vampires never caught the attention of any other law enforcement agents?). And he is also an objectively good person who doesn’t seem to have ever done anything bad in his life, even within the insane supernatural world that the Twilight characters find themselves thrust into.

Esme Cullen - Neutral Good

Pretty much every vampire alive in the Twilight universe seems to have done something terrible in their past, but Esme Cullen seems to be one of the notable exceptions to that rule. Esme was turned on her deathbed by Carlisle, just like a few other members of the Cullen family, but she was on the same page as him about being a “vegetarian” vampire from the jump. She seems to be a pretty unfailingly kind and considerate woman, and she has no problem collecting stray vampires and inviting them into her family. She’s a protective and powerful mom but is still very sweet at her core, so she’s a pretty clearly neutral good character.

Carlisle Cullen - True Neutral

Carlisle Cullen does deserve a lot of credit for changing his ways and trying to create a real family of vampires who have chosen to take a different, nicer path. He is undeniably a good person now, and it definitely took a lot of courage and independent thinking to do what he did.

But that doesn’t change what Carlisle has done in his past. He did eventually decide to leave the Volturi because he realized that their ideals did not line up with his own, but he stuck with them for a surprisingly long time, and participated in some truly awful things while he was with them, which makes him more neutral than anything.

Emmett Cullen - Chaotic Neutral

Emmett Cullen’s personal life philosophy seems to be muscle over mind. He’s not a total moron, but he is shallow, he doesn’t think many things through, and the only thing he seems to really enjoy is quite literally flexing on people. Emmett is a nice vampire in comparison to other vampires, but he also doesn’t seem to be as judgmental as some of his other family members when it comes to things like eating people. He isn’t immoral, but he doesn’t have too much concern for morality either, he really just wants to have fun and tear things up, which makes him a very chaotic neutral character.

Rosalie Hale - Neutral Evil

Look, absolutely no one will judge Rosalie Hale for doing what she did to exact revenge on the men who sexually assaulted her and beat her so badly that Carlisle Cullen decided to intervene and turn her into a vampire in order to save her life. In fact, it seems fair to say that her form of revenge was downright iconic.

However, Rosalie is undoubtedly one of the more problematic faves in the world of Twilight, and she seems to have much less moral backbone than a lot of her other family members. She definitely loves her family and would do anything for them, but the ease of her violence and cruelty makes her seem like a pretty neutral evil character.

Jasper Hale - Lawful Neutral

It’s pretty ironic that Jasper Hale is the empath of the Cullen family, because he seems to be one of the least emotional characters in the entire Twilight saga. But it seems like from the very start of Jasper’s life, he was just looking for some rules to follow. He was a good man as a human, and a good soldier. Then when he was transformed into a vampire, he was willing to follow the directions of his sire, even if her requests were evil. And then he has consistently followed the rules of the Cullen family, which thankfully seem to be more morally acceptable. He truly does seem like a lawful neutral character.

Alice Cullen - Chaotic Neutral

Alice Cullen’s vampiric powers are unlike anything that the normal or supernatural world has ever seen, and it’s no surprise that Aro and the rest of the Volturi seem to be absolutely obsessed with acquiring Alice and making her one of their own.

And Alice is generally a pretty good person with some pretty strong moral fiber, but she also understands that she’s a vampire and isn’t one to cry over spilled milk (or spilled blood) because of it. The future isn’t something that should really be known, but Alice knows it, which makes her a chaotic neutral character in the D&D character alignments.

Jacob Black - Chaotic Good

Okay, so in classifying Jacob Black as a chaotic good character obviously we’re overlooking the incredibly weird and inexplicable imprinting on a baby thing (because lord, don’t we all wish we could forget that incomprehensible plot twist). But overall Jacob is quite clearly a very good person and a good werewolf. Jacob was a good guy even before he transitioned into a giant wolf, but Jacob’s very nature is something that only exists because he is meant to protect regular humans from the danger that vampires present. However, becoming a literal wolf is also one of the nuttiest ways to fight against vampires, which is why he’s chaotic as well as good.

Edward Cullen - Lawful Neutral

Edward Cullen is a kind of curious character in general, and it’s safe to say that we get a view of him that is very rosy since the love of his life is the perspective that we hear this entire story from. But Edward seems to be someone who is only truly committed to his moral ideals when it comes to Bella Swan, and when it comes to many other people and things he is a bit more morally flexible. He likes to create his own rules to follow, but it seems more because he’s afraid of what he could do than because of some sincere moral commitment to them, which makes him a lawful neutral character.

Bella Swan - Chaotic Neutral

In retrospect it’s actually kind of strange that Bella Swan is the protagonist of the Twilight series, because she is really a character who just kind of exists and has a lot of wild things happen to her as opposed to someone who actually participates in things and makes decisions for herself. But one thing is completely undeniable about Bella. She seems to bring absolute chaos wherever she goes. Bella’s chaotic nature seems to be quite literally a part of her nature, not something that she does on purpose or by choice, but she is chaos made flesh nonetheless. Which is why Bella is clearly a chaotic neutral character in the D&D alignment chart.