The Office is undoubtedly one of the funniest sitcoms in the history of American television, and we have no doubt that its legacy as an absolute classic will endure for years to come. The situations that the characters on the show face each week are definitely hilarious in their own right, but what makes The Office the kind of show that is impossible not to love is the characters themselves. This kooky collection of sideshow loons seems barely fit to exist within normal human society, let alone hold down actual 9-to-5 jobs.

The characters of The Office are people who seem to operate in extremes, and it’s probably lucky that they never had to face any situations that seriously tested their moral fortitude. But if all of these characters found themselves in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, what character alignment would they fall into? These are The Office’s alums, along with their D&D character alignments.

Meredith Palmer - Chaotic Neutral

One would think that alcoholism isn’t a replacement for an actual personality, but Dunder Mifflin Scranton resident Meredith Palmer seems to single-handedly disprove that theory. Meredith seems to be a woman of loose morals to be sure, but it doesn’t seem like what’s right, wrong, or even what’s socially acceptable is something that crosses her mind particularly often. Like many other characters who fall into the chaotic neutral character alignment, she seems to be a chaotic neutral person simply because she doesn’t think about much of anything, ever. She wants to drink, and that singular goal is the only thing that drives her behavior and world outlook.

Creed Bratton - Chaotic Evil

Creed is one of the unique characters in The Office who manages to be even weirder than this veritable farm of weirdos, but his evil nature was only slyly revealed once throughout the series.

During one of his many confessionals, Creed drops this epic line straight out of a horror movie on the audience: “Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name? Creed Bratton.” If that’s not enough to send a cold chill straight down your spine then you’re likely as much of a sociopath as Creed, or whatever his real name may be, is.

Kelly Kapoor - Chaotic Evil

The beauty of Kelly Kapoor as a character is a stunning, almost incomprehensible lack of depth as a human being. Kelly isn’t an evil person because she has some specific code or ethos that makes her act in a certain way, it’s simply that she wants whatever she wants in the moment and she will do whatever is necessary to make that happen as quickly as possible. What she seems to want the most is Ryan, so if she feels like there is even a hint of him going astray she doesn’t hesitate to tell him she’s pregnant or tell Stanley that he’s putting the moves on his underage daughter, and she clearly has no ethical issues with doing that.

Toby Flenderson - Lawful Good

If Toby Flenderson was a spice, he would be flour. Toby seems to have very little personality or attitude to speak of, and on the surface he doesn’t seem to be some paragon of moral virtue, but given what he has had to put up with at the hands of Michael Scott it’s hard to deny that he’s a good person. He’d have to be, to be able to put up with an endless litany of needless torments without ever murdering Michael with his bare hands. It doesn’t seem like Toby has even ever tried to get him fired, which is much nicer than what most people would do.

Stanley Hudson - True Neutral

Stanley Hudson is a diabetic. That’s a dangerous condition for anyone to have, but it could be potentially deadly for Stanley, because it would be pretty much impossible to distinguish Stanley in diabetic coma from Stanley on an everyday basis. Most people couldn’t dream of caring as little about things as Stanley seems to not care about everything.

His only purpose in the office seems to be to slog through every day with the least amount of effort possible, but it’s hard to understand what even motivates him to keep living. He is pretty much the human embodiment of a true neutral character alignment.

Andy Bernard - Lawful Neutral

For someone like Andy Bernard, image is literally everything. There is actually a somewhat okay person beneath the incredibly controlled facade that Andy presents to the world, but his crippling insecurity is what guides his every action. He’s not a morally good or morally evil person, because he only cares about what others think of him and he will do whatever he thinks is necessary to gain their approval, regardless of where it lands on the morality scale. He imposes a thousand different rules on himself, but the laws and standards of the rest of the world are what Andy cares about more than anything else.

Pam Beesly - Lawful Good

Pam Beesly is definitely one of the characters on The Office who loves to get in on the pranks and spends most of her day goofing off, but she doesn’t really do anything in a mean spirited way and she generally won’t take anything too far. Pam is probably a lawful good character, but interestingly her ability to follow the rules seems to be more of a weakness than a strength for her. She’s a good person, but she’s rarely the one to step out of the boundaries of what people expect of her, even if it’s for something that she really wants for herself.

Jim Halpert - Chaotic Good

Unlike the vast majority of the characters who populate The Office, Jim is someone who acts like a goofball but is completely self aware about it. Jim can be an absolute devilish imp when he’s trying to torment Dwight or when he’s pointing out how ridiculous Michael is being, but at his heart he’s a really good guy.

He loves to create fun chaos, but when Dwight or Michael need a sincere helping hand Jim is always there to offer it, even if the people who are normally his rivals don’t want to accept it or even acknowledge that he’s doing it for them.

Dwight Schrute - Lawful Neutral

The good sides of Dwight might be really far down beneath the surface, but ultimately he’s a guy who just loves everything about rules. He loves to follow them, he loves to enforce them, and sometimes he even loves to maliciously comply with them. Dwight doesn’t have much regard for other people to say the least, so Mr. “we need a new plague” isn’t such a stickler for the laws of society because he actually cares about society. He just seems to have an almost religious level of faith in an intensely structured world and is very quick to put other people in line if they don’t agree.

Michael Scott - Chaotic Neutral

Michael Scott definitely has moments where he’s the most irritating, inconsiderate person in the world, but he has other moments where he shows an incredible amount of humanity and caring. However, Michael seems to not lean one way or the other in terms of morality simply because moral ideals require some level of forethought and unselfishness that Michael seems to be completely incapable of. He never thinks things through and he’s not a particularly bright person, so he has a tendency to introduce more chaos into any situation he encounters, making Michael a pretty picture perfect example of the chaotic neutral character alignment.