1. Rebalancing the cybersecurity equation to mitigate ransomware risks

Securing your organization is like balancing an equation: people + skills + technology = security.  Where many security strategies fall short is having an unbalanced equation. Read more »  

2. How to read your iOS 15 app privacy report

Your iPhone now gives you lots of transparency into what your downloads are up to. Here’s what to look out for. Read more »  

3. What to expect in 2022 privacy wise?

Tech platforms made significant changes to how they (at least superficially) address consumer privacy concerns, and the government explored new approaches for privacy regulation of big tech, driving rapid growth in legislation at the state level and internationally. Read more »  

4. New ZLoader malware campaign hit more than 2000 victims across 111 countries

A malware campaign spreads ZLoader malware by exploiting a Windows vulnerability that was fixed in 2013 but in 2014 Microsoft revised the fix. Experts from Check Point Research uncovered a new ZLoader malware campaign in early November 2021. Read more »  

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the US consumer rights body, and it has sailed into 2022 with a bang, not a whimper. Using the infamous Log4Shell vulnerability as what you might call its Exhibit A, the FTC has fired a shot across the bows of companies in US jurisdictions, telling them to get their patching in order, or face the consequences: Read more »