Cyber Stalking has been a major concern and is a growing problem in the world of the Internet. Let’s understand what exactly is cyberstalking, it is a crime which involves someone who stalks or harasses a victim using electronic or digital means such as email, and messages posted to a discussion group or forum most importantly on social media. Use technology to blackmail an individual to threaten, humiliate, intimidate and make attempts to control the target. It is found that those who are involved in the act of Cyber Stalking are immensely technologically savvy and very creative to torment or harass their targets.

Examples of Cyberstalking

Below listed are a few examples of how people indulged in the crime might implement. 

Hacking– Usually the person hacks the target’s online accounts to access their confidential data on the basis of which they can stalk the user or can blackmail them. Hack the camera of the laptop or phone and secretly record them. Fake accounts– By creating fake accounts they follow the target on social media platforms and harass them.  Comments online– Here the person posts offensive comments and rude statementsEmails– Send threatening emails, unethical videos or pictures and try to control the targetMessage– Send unwanted and repeated messages day in and day out to disturb the mental peace of the targetTracking device– Keeping a track of the online movements of the target by installing tracking devices.  Post photos– Posting fake photos or distribute real photos to shame the victim. Follow– Following the target on online platforms by joining the same forums to deliberately stalk the individual.

Repercussions of Cyberstalking: 

Stalking a person by any means has always had severe consequences not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well.

Emotional and mental health gets impactedExperience stress, anxiety and depressionSense of fear and worry all the timeSleeping disorder and even troubled stomachWarning Signs of Suicide Unable to trust anyone and becoming an introvert.

Necessary Precautions to Prevent Cyberstalking

 There is a saying “prevention is always better than cure” So yes, as technology emerges the cons will simultaneously follow so whether or not we find someone stalking using a computer or the Internet as the medium, it is very important to be extra cautious. Making security the first step towards ensuring that all the devices and the online accounts are highly secured.

Password protection– Creating a strong password for all the online accounts including the applications installed on the device. Frequently change the passwords and choose a difficult password which should not be the birthdays or anniversary dates or the names.  Public Wi-Fi– It’s very convenient these days to connect to Wi-Fi and work. There are coffee shops and other restaurants or hotels that offer these facilities. Anyone can be easy prey and at risk of getting hacked. To avoid this refrain from using public Wi-Fi rather than connecting to VPN is comparatively secured. Track the device– It’s important that no one misuses the phone or laptop. Do not hand over the device to anyone unknown as it would take less than a minute to install any hacking software. Online Safety Habits– Making it a priority no accepting friend requests from unknown people or keeping the post public. For online activities such as online shopping or joining any groups or programs, use a different email address. Location security– Disabling the geolocation settings or posting the real-time location should be avoided.  Block the person– If any act of cyberstalking is noticed by any person, immediate action blocks the person from all the accounts. Report immediately– When anything as such is suspected, report to the cybersecurity team for further action to be taken. Cybersecurity: This is a technology that ensures the protection of information from theft or damage to devices, networks and services.


Cyberstalking is an act of crime and there are various anti-stalking, and harassment laws which can lead to criminal penalties including jail.  Under Section 354D of the Indian Penal code, 1860 is a punishable offence. There are other laws as well for cyberstalking. Although it is not completely possible to eradicate the occurrence, implementing the below steps can reduce the damage. Technology enhancements are always for the betterment of society and the world when used efficiently.