In a series of PDFs released today (Intro, Site Plan/Landscaping, Floor Plans and Renderings), the City of Cupertino released detailed floor plans of Apple’s 20,000 plus person super-structure.

The building, affectionately dubbed “the Mothership” was announced by Apple CEO Steve Jobs on June 7th, just days after WWDC earlier this year.

Cupertino’s Mayor went on record a few weeks later saying “there was no way they weren’t going to approve the deal”.

The massive building’s plans detail the main building and a mostly subterranean adjacent parking structure with Solar roof (below).

Full plans embedded after the break:

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  • Steve Jobs presents ideas for new Apple ‘mothership’ campus to Cupertino City Council (
  • Cupertino Mayor: “No chance we are saying no” to Apple’s stunning Mothership headquarters (