Rather than make you sift through all of these projects, we’re rounding up the best or most notable projects from around the crowdfunding web and delivering them to you in a simple roundup. If there’s a project that you’ve backed – or even a project that you founded – be sure to leave a link below so it can be considered for the next roundup. Check out our complete list of roundups here.

  • Multipath Router (Indiegogo project)
  • [youtube=http://youtu.be/Mdls9aW-5m0]Now that Siri on iOS 7 takes advantage of multipath, a smarter internet technology that can take advantage of all web connections at the same time, the technology has gotten a boost in exposure and consumer interest. Multipath Networks has come out with a new router that can take advantage of your regular DSL/cable connection and boost it using your cell phone or neighbor’s internet, if they permit. The router itself starts at $199.
  • auris skye: WiFi for your Dock (Kickstarter project) – This small device brings your 30-pin dock back to life by giving it WiFi connectivity. Your old dock is turned into an AirPlay speaker once you plug in the auris skye.
  • Brewbot: The Smart Brewing Appliance (Kickstarter project) – Are you a dedicated brewing fan (or know someone who is) and want technology to take care of the detailed and technical parts like temperature control and timing? That’s where the Brewbot comes in. Built for experienced brewers or first-timers, the appliance makes it easy to make the perfect brew every time by automating many of the steps while keeping the craftsmanship alive. Although it has not reached its goal yet, it’s bound to hit the mark within the last 8 days of funding.
  • JUICIES+ (Kickstarter project) – Your phone is high-quality. The sleek and industrial design deserves a charging cable of matching elegance. No, the lightning connector from Apple doesn’t make the cut. JUICIES+, on the other hand, make a worthy companion. Anodized aluminum. Woven cable. Optional gold coloring. With over $200k in funding, the people have spoken: this is the gorgeous cord your phone deserves.
  • MiStand: Elegant Stand for iPhone, iPad & Android devices! (Kickstarter project) – Just like the JUICIES+, the MiStand is an elegant accessory for your phone or tablet. Made of premium aluminum, there’s no doubting the great choice in materials the designers made. I might have also chosen the MiStand to be in this roundup because it looks like a person bowing to hold your device…..
  • Timber Tray: Reclaimed Wood Modern Docking Station (Kickstarter project) – After a long day out and about, it seems all of your belongings get spread out everywhere once you arrive home. Your phone might stay with your charger on the wall, your wallet makes it to your desk after you make a quick payment online, and your keys are… in the couch. With the Timber Tray, all of your belongings have a safe home of their own in a gorgeous piece of carved reclaimed wood.