Criminal Minds is a long-running, fan-favorite, crime-procedural series that began back in 2005. The series follows an elite team of F.B.I. profilers from the B.A.U. (Behavior Analysis Unit) as they race against time to uncover and stop the UnSubs, a.k.a. unknown subjects. Characters have come and gone, and the team’s dynamics have evolved throughout the seasons but the entertaining—and sometimes surprising—friendships are a staple of the show. As the 15th and final season approaches, it’s time to look back at some of the best (and worst) friendships.

Worst: Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan

Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, and Derek Morgan, a special agent specializing in obsessive behaviors, are conflicting alpha-males and original team members. Hotchner’s position as unit chief was often challenged until his departure in season 12 when Morgan was a rising agent until he left the unit in season 11. Morgan, at one point, took over the role of unit chief when Hotchner step down and then later reclaimed the title.

Their changing authority statuses and differing leadership styles created clashes between the two men, especially in the earlier seasons. Although there was not a lot of outward animosity between these two, there were obvious tensions.

Best: Aaron Hotchner and David Rossi

Special agent David Rossi comes out of retirement to rejoin the B.A.U in season 3. Hotchner and Rossi have a history that predates the show, which you get glimpses of during flashbacks. Aaron Hotchner goes through a lot of turmoil during his time in the unit, and Rossi is there as a sounding board and advisor. The two agents can be seen spending significant time together outside of work, where they already spend most of their time. Rossi goes out of his way to help Hotchner: babysitting Hotchner’s son, Jack and participating as an assistant coach for Jack’s soccer team.

In season 7’s episode “A Family Affair,” Jack even refers to Rossi as his Uncle David. Hotchner and Rossi have one of the longest friendships in the series and demonstrates how the team members become more like family.

Worst: Spencer Reid and Ashley Seaver

While there is nothing particularly negative about this duo, there was a loss of opportunity. Ashley Seaver was an FBI agent, going through training, who joined the B.A.U. for season 6 because of her particular perspective as the daughter of a serial killer. When she was introduced in season 6’s 10th episode, Penelope Garcia teases Reid for being attracted to the recruit, and they worked together until her departure. Seaver only lasted on the show until the end of the season; there seems to be a missed opportunity for relationship development between the two.

Best: Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid

Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid are one of the most unlikely of duos but they share an unbreakable bond. Morgan and Reid have this big brother-little brother dynamic that evolves as the series continues. Morgan acts as a protector for Reid, especially in the beginning, and is always there to give his “kid” advice. Their bromance is a constant source of entertainment from the first time Morgan called Reid “Pretty Boy” to their heartfelt goodbye in season 11.

Morgan and Reid had a significant influence on each other’s lives. Morgan gave Reid advice with women, taught him how to play baseball in season 8, they listened to each other’s hardships and demonstrated their big bro-little bro dynamic with their ultimate prank war in season 7. When Morgan became a father, he named his son Hank Spencer Morgan, in honor of his little brother. As Derek Morgan leaves the B.A.U., he and Reid say their goodbyes but make it clear that even though they may not be working together they will always be in each other’s lives.

Worst: Aaron Hotchner and Erin Strauss

Aaron Hotchner and B.A.U. section chief Erin Strauss’s relationship may not be classified as a friendship, but they do have a troubling dynamic. Erin Strauss is the direct superior to Hotchner, and, in the early seasons, she went to great lengths to stunt his career progress.

Hotchner had a successful career that threatened Strauss’s career ambitions and made it clear that he would not rise in the ranks. Strauss was the reason for Hotchner’s temporary demotion, and, at one point, tried to dissolve the unit. Hotchner and Strauss butt-heads constantly throughout the show.

Best: Penelope Garcia, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, and Emily Prentiss

Female team members came and went in the B.A.U., but Penelope, JJ, and Emily were the threesome that stuck together. Despite their incredibly busy schedules, these three ladies made plans for girls nights out and shopping trips. At the end of episode 16 of season 7, the women can be seen hungover from their girls’ night fun. Garcia is even the Godmother of JJ’s first child.

In season 5, episode 21, the women are out Christmas shopping and they can be seen amid girl-talk and Penelope buys a mountain of gifts for her Godson. When Prentiss left the B.A.U. to head up an Interpol task-force in London at the end of season 7, Garcia went out to visit her, to make sure they all keep in touch. These three F.B.I. agents are the ultimate girl group.

Worst: Luke Alvez and Penelope Garcia

Penelope Garcia prides herself in liking everyone, but, when Luke Alvez joins the unit, it does not go well. Garcia, to his bewilderment, dislikes Alvez from their first introduction in the premiere of season 12. Other than the fact that Alvez joined the team after Morgan left, there is no obvious reason for Garcia’s disdain. This is an uncharacteristic dynamic for Garcia and anyone. Alvez and Garcia may have developed from outward loathing to subtle quips, but they have a strange relationship.

Best: Jennifer “JJ” Jareau and Spencer Reid

From the very beginning of the series, JJ and Reid have been the best of friends. Despite season 14’s finale cliff-hanger, this duo’s friendship has been consistently demonstrated through the years. Their special bond can be seen from the very first season when Reid says “she’s the only person in the world who calls me Spence.” They take care of and worry about each other as they go through dangerous assignments.

After Reid’s kidnapping in season 2, JJ tells him that they were not going to separate again, and that remains true. When JJ has her first child, Henry, Reid is given the honor of Godfather. Reid has a special relationship with his Godson, Henry dresses-up as F.B.I. profiler Dr. Spencer Reid for one Halloween. No matter what happens in season 15, JJ and Spence are a favorite.

Worst: Jason Gideon and Spencer Reid

Jason Gideon and Spencer Reid’s friendship is complicated; they’re introduced in the first season as mentor and mentee. Gideon is the experienced agent who broadens Reid’s perspective, making him a better agent, and they spent much of their time playing chess. However, at the beginning of season 3, Gideon left the unit abruptly and went off to find peace leaving only a letter to Reid as an explanation.

Reid has to deal with the loss of his mentor, and they don’t have contact again. In the episode “Nelson’s Sparrow” of season 10, Jason Gideon falls victim to a serial killer from his past and Reid has to again go through that loss. Gideon and Reid began as an interesting friendship, but their ending left more to be desired.

Best: Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan

From their witty banter to their risqué nicknames, technical analyst Garcia and S.S.A. Morgan epitomize friendship. Whenever Garcia was in crisis, Morgan was there to calm her down and refocus her. They rely on one another for moral support and confide in each other.

In the 12th episode of season 9, their unique friendship is highlighted when their distinctive style of banter is the subject of an HR sexual harassment meeting; however, they maintain their dynamic because she is his “Baby Girl” and he is her “Chocolate Thunder”. Garcia and Morgan aren’t afraid to call each other out when they are over-reacting or being ridiculous, and, no matter what happens, they know their friendship will survive. Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan are truly the ultimate BFFs.