Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was always a series that understood the concept that people grow and change. There was not any main character in the series that remained the same from their introduction to the conclusion. No matter what was going on in each person’s life, they were all given character growth in some form during the four seasons the series aired.

During that time, some character arcs portrayed these changes better than others. From revenge schemes to character growth and self-love, the series had it all. These are the best and most disappointing character arcs on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Best: Rebecca, Valencia, and Heather’s Friendship

While Rebecca, Heather, and Valencia may not have started on the best foot, they built a robust and long-lasting friendship. Valencia and Rebecca moved past their problems from when Rebecca was trying to break up Josh and Valencia. Valencia had even played a part in organizing Rebecca and Josh’s wedding.

Heather and Valencia were also protective of Rebecca and supported her during her darkest moments. However, they also encouraged Rebecca during her best experiences. They cheered her on as she wrote songs. Rebecca returned the favor, being there for her friends as well.

Disappointing: Josh Becomes A Priest

Just before Josh was set to marry Rebecca, he was overwhelmed with doubts that they were not meant to be together. Knowing that Rebecca had been keeping things from him was only part of the issues Josh was facing leading up to the ceremony.

Although he does show up to his wedding, he quickly drives away from it. Later, Rebecca and her friends learn that Josh had decided to become a Priest. This life change lasts for a short period in the third season before Josh changes course again.

Best: Paula Lets Go

Rebecca could not pull off her schemes without help from her best friend, Paula. Working as a team, Rebecca and Paula did what they could to insert Rebecca into Josh’s life to show him that Rebecca was his path to happiness, just as he was for her. During “Paula Needs To Get Over, Josh!” Paula admits to various acts she had done to ensure Rebecca’s success with Josh.

In a song called “After Everything I’ve Done For You (That You Didn’t Ask For),” Paula makes it clear that she had been doing much more than what Rebecca believed she had. As Paula steps away from scheming with Rebecca, she has a healthier relationship with her best friend.

Disappointing: Rebecca’s Revenge Schemes

After Josh bailed on their wedding, Rebecca declared that she would get her revenge on him. However, Rebecca’s schemes are not what was expected. Although Rebecca considers suing Josh, the idea she loves is to send Josh a cupcake with her feces. The concept had been disgusting, and Paula tries to convince Rebecca against proceeding with the plan. Unfortunately, Rebecca does not listen and sends it anyway.

Later, the box is sent back to Rebecca, who is upset to learn it was never opened. However, Rebecca’s desire for revenge has her ask Nathaniel for help. Nathaniel’s idea involves hurting all the members of Josh’s family. Luckily, Rebecca realizes that they are going too far and tells Nathaniel to call it off.

Best: Nathaniel

After a talk with Heather, Nathaniel begins trying to treat people better than he had been. The behavior change works for him in a lot of ways, including getting him healthier relationships with his employees and Rebecca. “I’m Almost Over You” exists as a parody parallel to the scenarios occurring in Nathaniel and Maya’s lives.

However, it did reveal Nathaniel’s feelings and thought process regarding how to handle his situation with Rebecca. Understanding that Nathaniel had to step back and give Rebecca the space to be happy instead of selfishly pursuing her proved how much Nathaniel had changed since they met.

Disappointing: Josh’s Living Situation

It became apparent the more the show focused on Josh’s life that he was unable to have a sense of independence. He failed to live by himself and needed to have other people around. At one point, Josh moves in with his friend Hector and Hector’s mother. Although it may have made sense for temporary purposes, Josh tends to enjoy himself far too much.

He later moves into Rebecca’s other bedroom, and their friendship grows through being roommates. During “I’m In Love,” a year after Rebecca chooses herself, Josh is briefly seen with another woman he has been dating.

Best: Heather’s Growth

Heather initially identified herself as a student. Rather than going to school with a specific purpose, Heather had been attending for years. She took every class the college had to offer. Heather is thrown off after discovering that she has taken and passed all of her classes, and it is time to graduate.

After finishing college, Heather got involved with the business end of Home Base, the place she had bartended. She joins the corporate end of the company, which gives her a new set of responsibilities to endure.

Disappointing: Greg’s Big Change

When Skylar Astin first appeared on the scene as Greg Serrano, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend did everything they could to show Rebecca’s emphasis that Greg was a completely different person. The series used the recast as a way to show how much people can change when they have not seen each other in a long time.

Greg’s development focused on him as being sober and in recovery while also looking toward running an Italian restaurant. These are giant steps for the once bitter Greg. Yet, most of Greg’s character development happens off-screen. Greg becomes a better person without the viewers getting an inside look at the small steps it took for Greg to improve.

Best: Rebecca Bunch

Rebecca Bunch was ready for a change from her successful New York City life. Spotting Josh in the street was the first step in Rebecca’s choice to find happiness. Through time, Rebecca desperately tried to secure a future with Josh, as if he was the one thing that could make her happy. Yet, the failed wedding sets off a series of events that brings Rebecca to accept real help. After receiving a new diagnosis, the right diagnosis, Rebecca knows what she can do to get better.

Even more, she strives to achieve it. Rebecca takes therapy and group sessions more seriously than she had before, and it opens the door to allow Rebecca to feel real happiness. It also shows that no other person holds the key to Rebecca’s happiness; it needs to come from her. Rebecca, finding love with herself, is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s most excellent love story.

Disappointing: White Josh’s Ending

White Josh got the short end of the stick as Crazy Ex-Girlfriend came to an end. As White Josh was already not one of Rebecca’s love interests, he got pushed behind Josh, Greg, and Nathaniel. As his romance with Daryl had ended, White Josh was pushed further to the back of the group.

Although he does get his moments when it comes to each of the men getting one date with Rebecca, White Josh does not get a real ending for himself. In fact, “I’m In Love” reveals that White Josh’s fate was quite bleak, especially compared to the rest of his friends.